Home » Tammy’s Sesame Oil Chicken

Tammy’s Sesame Oil Chicken

As the recipe title suggests, this recipe will produce a special chicken dish prepared using sesame oil. This will be pure organic sesame oil produced here in Zimbabwe by Tammy’s Classic Foods.

Now sesame oil is a lovely oil to use when you want to add an Asian flair plus an earthy, nutty flavour to your dish. There can be different varieties, but one of first major differences is between toasted sesame oil or just sesame oil. With the former, the sesame seeds are toasted first before the oil is extracted, resulting in an oil that’s richer in the earthy-nutty flavour. One needs to be careful when using this one. Use too much, and it’ll over power your whole dish! I learnt that the hard way when I was about 10 years old, experimenting in my mother’s kitchen! 😀

Plain sesame oil is more forgiving as the flavour is a bit more neutral, and you can use it in your cooking or baking even. In addition to adding an earthy-nutty flavour to dishes, sesame oil also has some health benefits, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory being some of them.

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Tammy’s Pure Organic Sesame Oil as used in this recipe adds a lovely subtle flavour to the chicken. We paired it with soy sauce because sesame oil and soy sauce make a perfect match when it comes to complimenting flavours. So don’t leave out the soy sauce, it’s vital.

Let’s get down to preparing this really simple, but tasty dish.



4 – 5 servings

Prep time

10 min

Cooking time

15 -20 min

Get This

  • 1 kg chicken breast, julienned

  • 2 tbsp fresh ginger, thinly sliced

  • 2 medium carrots, julienned

  • 40 ml soy sauce

  • 2 tbsp brown spirit vinegar

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp white pepper

  • 3 tbsp Tammy’s Pure Organic Sesame Oil

  • 60 ml water

  • a sprinkle of sesame seeds

  • a handful of spring onion green tips, chopped

Do This

  • Get your ingredients together (P.S. To julienne is to cut into equal sized strips). Heat oil in pan. Add the ginger and fry until it begins to brown.
  • Add the chicken, salt, and pepper. Fry for about 3-5 minutes.
  • Add soy sauce, water, and vinegar. Cover the pan and allow to simmer for about 8 minutes or until most of the liquid is finished, and the chicken is cooked through.
  • Add the carrots, and fry for 2 minutes. Taste for seasoning, and adjust accordingly. Sprinkle some sesame seeds, and spring onion greens as garnish. Enjoy!
Also see  Easy Peasy Chicken necks stew