Madhumbe (yams) are something I last ate in my childhood days! Maybe I could have had some in once or so in my adulthood but the point here is that it had been a while since I had had some. I was shopping in one of the supermarkets the other […]

Madhumbe (yams) are something I last ate in my childhood days! Maybe I could have had some in once or so in my adulthood but the point here is that it had been a while since I had had some. I was shopping in one of the supermarkets the other […]
I love roasted vegetables. I love how simple and hassle-free it is to prepare them and I love how the vegetables’ natural sweet and savory taste comes through. I find that the way peppers or butternuts or pumpkins even taste after being roasted is more prominent compared to when you […]
Kebabs are one of the easiest things to prepare. They’re simple yet they have a touch of sophistication. I just love how the colours come through when you prepare them. Everyone enjoyed these here chicken and vegetable kebabs and second helpings where in order. NB: Soak your kebab sticks in […]
I personally enjoy eating this sadza made with wheat meal. Not only for the health reasons but for the taste as well. It’s cooked in more or less the same as way as sorghum meal (sadza re mhunga) and or zviyo (finger millet) only that it calls for more frequent stirring […]
There are so many ways to prepare your green beans and spice them up. This right here is just one of the ways. You can enjoy these with roasted meat as a light lunch or supper. You could also add a bit of starch if you wish, be it rice, […]
I especially love preparing vegetables in this manner. Not only for health reasons but also because of the taste! There are certain vegetables whose natural sweetness comes through when you bake/roast them. Butternut, carrots and peppers are a few such vegetables which are a part of this roast. I prepared […]
I have never been a fan of nyimo since I was wee high!! But after deciding to give them a bit of a kick, I’ll proudly say I’m a nyimo-lover!! IF they are made in this way or any other way, as long as they’re not plain! My husband on […]
In the spirit of promoting healthier eating habits, I prepared this low carb grilled chicken salad. This is not to totally omit the carbs (as I put forward that you do need them to have a balanced diet) but to just reduce the quantity you partake daily, weekly, monthly. You […]
This was another experiment in the kitchen and I’m glad to say it turned out fantastic. It was tasty my daughters wanted more and more! At least this is one of the two ways where they’ll eat okra. They couldn’t quite stomach our traditional version of preparing derere! The other […]
I really enjoyed this salad. It had a refreshing touch to it coming from the tomatoes and the mozzarella with onions and basil complemented the whole dish so well. You can serve this with your preferred starch, save for Sadza of course! It will also work well as a side […]
I enjoy making salads. They are simply the nutritious, enjoying nature at it’s best. They also do not require a lot of labour to prepare! So there should be no excuse. My girls love their veggies and that means salads too so that makes me a happy mummy! Okay, to […]
As I’ve already said before and I’ll keep saying it… I love me some muboora 😀 (pumpkin leaves). This is definitely my favourite traditional vegetable. I enjoy it with tomatoes and onions, in peanut butter sauce and this here creamed version. The trick in preparing muboora is in ensuring that […]