Well, so for these dishes here I went all out on the Lemon & Herb marinade by Mr Sauce. Cooking a flavourful meal doesn’t get simpler than this! So if you want to do the bare minimums in your food preps, and put your feet up, this is for you! […]

Well, so for these dishes here I went all out on the Lemon & Herb marinade by Mr Sauce. Cooking a flavourful meal doesn’t get simpler than this! So if you want to do the bare minimums in your food preps, and put your feet up, this is for you! […]
This combination will have you or your guests calling out for seconds! Instead of frying the short ribs, you may also braai instead. For the sadza, I used the sand-free and stone-free pearl millet from The Grain Hub. Having it grit free makes the sadza all the more enjoyable, in […]
In this super simple recipe we do some touch-ups to the humble cabbage…elevating it to some amazing levels of deliciousness using sweet chili sauce and goo old bacon. Yum.
Join me as we make this fabulous Creamy Spinach with Carrot. Whereas creamy veggies usually just come plain, today I am putting a spin to it with carrot. Yum! This is a super simple dish to make. There is really no need to have your veggies the same regular way […]
Join me as we make this very popular yet super simple dish out of Zimbabwe – Muriwo uneDovi – Peanut Butter (PB) Leafy Greens. This is a filling dish which is traditionally served with Sadza as the main accompaniment. It is a relatively cheap dish to make too, which makes […]
Join me in cooking Muriwo from Zimbabwe. Muriwo means leafy greens in the chiShona (shona) vernacular of Zimbabwe. Just about always, I prefer to have my greens nice and crispy. Some have thus asked me how to go about doing this. You can watch the video now or continue reading […]
😍🥗🥕🥦Green salads are a perfect accompaniment to a lot of meals. If you can, and not doing this already, I recommend running a small garden to keep a steady stream of simple ingredients for these kind of recipes. I have in mind freshly picked tomatoes and lettuce. Healthy and full […]
Raise your hand if you don’t do tsunga. Why? Tsunga is also know as mustard greens, one of the popular leafy greens here in Zim. We typically enjoy it mixed with peanut butter or as boiled veggies mixed with cooked tomatoes and onions. This is exactly what made me look […]
Sausage is one of those meats which are so easy to prepare in the same way ever so often. I have here another simply way you can prepare it. You can serve this with some rice, pasta or potatoes with some gravy or sauce. Do This Get your ingredients […]
There are times when you just want to prepare a quick and easy meal without taking anything away from it in terms of flavour and taste. It’s so easy to prepare rice in the same old way, all the time. I have here a very simple recipe that you can […]
This vegetable is known for its high iron content and nutritious benefits. In fact, it is said to have more iron than spinach! This is one of the health benefits that this vegetable is associated with. It’s very easy to make and doesn’t require a lot of skill at all. Tsine (Blackjack), also known as Ucucube in […]
This here is a quick do that can have a meal ready in 20-30 min. I love stir-fry because you can almost add anything!! If you’re looking for something different and tasty to do with your boerewors, this right here is it. Give it a go and let me know […]