After a long time of wanting to give it a try, this is my own version of Zimbabwe Gango recipe made at home. Hoping you will enjoy it as much as I did. Check out the recipe notes on how to omit or replace any meats in this recipe.

After a long time of wanting to give it a try, this is my own version of Zimbabwe Gango recipe made at home. Hoping you will enjoy it as much as I did. Check out the recipe notes on how to omit or replace any meats in this recipe.
Mufushwa (dried vegetables) is one of the ways that was used to preserve vegetables for later consumption here in Zimbabwe from time immemorial. I shall be showing you one of the ways I use to prepare mufushwa weMunyemba unedovi (dried Cowpeas leaves in peanut butter). As you may already know, […]
This is a really simple dish which you can whip up quickly on those days where you want an absolutely hassle free protein side to go with your meatless meal. I used oyster mushroom, but you could use any mushroom of your preference. I served this up with some delicious, […]
This combination will have you or your guests calling out for seconds! Instead of frying the short ribs, you may also braai instead. For the sadza, I used the sand-free and stone-free pearl millet from The Grain Hub. Having it grit free makes the sadza all the more enjoyable, in […]
This is how I make Sadza reMapfunde (Sorghum Sadza) and I am using stone-free, sand-free hupfu from The Grain Hub. It is no secret that over the years many people have grown to dislike small grains Sadza due to the grittiness associated with it. This is due to poor preparation/grinding […]
If you love traditional brown rice, then you will most certainly enjoy this Sadza from The Grain Hub. It’s basically ground up traditional brown rice which you can then use to prepare the Sadza, yum! The best part of it is that it is also highly nutritional, which is a […]
While many of us may know how to prepare regular white rice, I have had a number of requests for a post on how to cook plain mupunga (traditional brown rice). So here it is! It is very similar to how you normally prepare your rice, only for this one […]
Mhunga (pearl millet pap) is one of the nutritious traditional small grains we have here in Zimbabwe, and as you may already know, it is highly nutritious. Here’s a quick look at how mhunga (pearl millet) benefits your body when you eat it; Mhunga Health Benefits Mhunga is a very […]
Join me as we make this very popular yet super simple dish out of Zimbabwe – Muriwo uneDovi – Peanut Butter (PB) Leafy Greens. This is a filling dish which is traditionally served with Sadza as the main accompaniment. It is a relatively cheap dish to make too, which makes […]
Join me in cooking Muriwo from Zimbabwe. Muriwo means leafy greens in the chiShona (shona) vernacular of Zimbabwe. Just about always, I prefer to have my greens nice and crispy. Some have thus asked me how to go about doing this. You can watch the video now or continue reading […]
#ZimboKitchenWithMrSauce Now this is a delicacy for many Zimbabweans. There are those that absolutely love them, those that are too afraid to try them, those that don’t like them and those that are somewhere in the middle of it all! I fall in the latter group, lol. I enjoy these […]
Growing up, my mum made tsine (blackjack leaves) for my siblings and I. Being kids, we used to despise it! Despite her telling us how healthy it is. I guess the fact that we would see her picking it from the garden or around the yard, our minds already registered […]