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Chicken wings in BBQ sauce

Delicious BBQ Chicken Wings

These wings are finger-licking good. They are easy to make and will definitely be a hit, especially with chicken wing lovers. The barbecue sauce I used here is homemade.  CLICK HERE to learn how to make your own barbecue sauce at home. I also used this same barbecue sauce to […]


Double coated chicken (a version of Tandoori)

If you’ve ever had Tandoori chicken then you will most certainly love this double coated chicken. Simplicity is one of the things I like to portray when cooking or baking, because, truth be told; cooking IS simple and so is baking too. Click here for the Tandoori Chicken (Zimbabwean style) […]


3 root vegetable roast

  Quick Instructions Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius/ 350 degrees Fahrenheit/ Gas Mark 5. Make sure the non-stick roasting tray is in the oven at this time. It needs to be nice & hot when you place potatoes in it.  Wash your root vegetables and cut them all to […]

Coated Lemon and Garlic drumsticks

Coated Lemon n’ Garlic Drumsticks

Chicken is just a fabulous meat. It’s lean, easy to prepare and has many ways in which you can prepare it. The drumstick is one of my favourite portion of a chicken! Here’s a quick and easy variation of making drumsticks. Quick Instructions Have all the ingredients you’re going to use […]

Ox Liver

Pan-Fried Ox Liver strips

Ox Liver is one of those meats that I like to have in the freezer for those times where you want to make a quick meal or you’ve just received unexpected visitors. You can quickly whip up something that will be filling and tasty too. Here’s one way of preparing […]

Coconut Rice

How to make Coconut Rice

This is a fairly simple recipe, don’t let the title make you think otherwise. It’s more like cooking plain white rice only that in place of water, you put the coconut milk and there you have it! If you’re a fan of coconuts, you will most certainly enjoy this. My […]

Bean curry

How to make Bean curry

This came as a special request from one of our readers here on the blog. I think when it comes to spicy or hot foods, only put as much “heat” as your palate can handle. So it is with this bean curry. If you’re not into hot stuff you may […]

Chicken wings

Grilled Lemon and Garlic Chicken wings

Chicken wings are a favourite part of roasted or grilled chicken for a number of people. So this recipe goes out to those of us who enjoy them. P.S The garlic sauce I used here is shop bought. You can also use fresh garlic if you don’t have any sauce. […]


Crispy seasoned Potato wedges

These potato wedges attest to the fact that potatoes are versatile and I just simply love them for this. Potato wedges have got to be the most convenient to prepare. Just scrub your potatoes, cut them up, season and roast until they’re done whilst you attend to something else or […]

Grilled peachy chicken

Grilled peachy Chicken

This is a pretty simple recipe but the results, taste wise, are simply delicious 🙂 For the best results in terms of flavour and juicy-ness, marinade this chicken overnight. Click HERE to follow the link for the peachy marinade I used in this recipe. Quick Instructions Place chicken in your […]