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muriwo unedovi zimbokitchen

Peanut Butter Leafy Greens (Video)

Join me as we make this very popular yet super simple dish out of Zimbabwe – Muriwo uneDovi – Peanut Butter (PB) Leafy Greens. This is a filling dish which is traditionally served with Sadza as the main accompaniment. It is a relatively cheap dish to make too, which makes […]


How to cook Mutsine (Blackjack leaves)

Growing up, my mum made tsine (blackjack leaves) for my siblings and I. Being kids, we used to despise it! Despite her telling us how healthy it is. I guess the fact that we would see her picking it from the garden or around the yard, our minds already registered […]

Zimbokitchen Mugayiwa Sadza

Mugaiwa served with Shredded Beef nemuriwo

Sadza remugaiwa, (straight run) is one of the popular mealie-meals in Zimbabwe.  Straight-run mealie-meal is one that has just been milled once and is preferred among those that want to eat healthy as it has more nutrients preserved when compared to the super-refined version. I served it here with some […]

Mufushwa weNyemba

Mufushwa weNyemba (dried black-eyed peas leaves)

Mufushwa (dried green leafy vegetables) is one of the traditional Zimbabwean dishes. It is normally an accompaniment to sadza (pap) and or some meat if one wishes. It is very nutritious, providing you with high levels of iron and folic acid which are very important nutrients for the body. One […]