This has got to be one of my best marinades yet!!! It will work well for both your red and white meats. I’m not too sure about fish yet though, I’d need to try it out on the fish and I’ll advise if it works. I used it here with […]

This has got to be one of my best marinades yet!!! It will work well for both your red and white meats. I’m not too sure about fish yet though, I’d need to try it out on the fish and I’ll advise if it works. I used it here with […]
Peanut butter is one of the most used spreads in the Zimbabwean cuisine. Most of the traditional dishes can have a peanut butter twist to them, such as this beef stew. Leafy greens, free-range chicken and cabbage are amongst some of the foods which can be cooked and have peanut […]
Beef bones are popular here in our Zimbabwean cuisine. It appears though that they are more popular with the men rather than the women, although some women do eat and enjoy them. You can have them as a stew or mixed with muriwo, (leafy green vegetables) which reminds me of […]
If you love burgers but are concerned about the health aspect of it, then this is for you. This patty is made from fat free mince (lean mince), contains oats, which are a great source of fiber, garlic, ginger and egg which all have great health benefits. I decided to […]
Beef stew is amongst one of the very common meals in Zimbabwe. It’s the typical relish found at most dinner tables across the majority of Zimbabwean society. When you hear people saying Sadza nenyama (pap with meat) in most cases they are referring to sadza and beef stew. Despite the […]
Meat balls are tasty, especially those that are made with flavor such as the ones in this recipe. The two important things to keep them together and not break apart when frying are the egg and refrigerating them after you have formed the meat ball. You can have these at […]
There are so many things you can do with beef steak and this is just one of them. The marinade helps to leave the steak nice, juicy and flavorful. You can check how to make the marinade here. Give it a go and you’ll keep going back for more! Quick […]
Maguru (tripe) are among Zimbabwe’s top favored traditional foods. They are one of those dishes that you may have fond or maybe not so fond childhood memories of. If that be the case, hopefully today we can create a new and better set of memories 🙂 I had personally never […]
This is a signature dish for many Zimbabweans in and outside of Zimbabwe (where the correct ingredients can be found). If you have been out of the country for a prolonged period of time as I once was you are probably dying of nostalgia at seeing this popular dish. I […]
My family and I thoroughly enjoyed this meal. It may seem as though it has a lot to do but after you’ve finished preparing it and you sit down to it, you’ll appreciate every step you went through to get the meal ready. Now let’s get started. This recipe needs […]
Beef is a common relish here in Zimbabwe. It’s usually had as a stew in sadza nenyama (pap and meat) or with rice as a “special” treat. But there are many others ways in which one can make meat and this is just one out of a thousand! Quick Instructions […]
Mince is one meat that I always have to have in my freezer. There’s so much you can do with it and it’s one of the fastest meats that you can prepare. You need such meats readily available in your fridge for those times when vanyarikani “respectable” visitors arrive announced […]