Home » Steak and Kidney pie (step-by-step)
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Steak and Kidney pie (step-by-step)

5 Servings ~ 50 minutes
  • 300g steak
  • 200g ox kidney
  • 1/2 onion (chopped)
  • 3 carrots (chopped)
  • 1 tomato (chopped)
  • 500ml water
  • 1/2 cup plain flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 cube beef stock

Steak and kidney is a good combination of meat and this pie works great for lunch or supper. The smaller versions of this pie reminds of my early high school days. This together with chicken pie topped the list of my favorite pies. It’s a good treat for yourself, your family, friends or guest you maybe having over. Let’s start cooking!

Quick Instructions

  1. Heat oil in pan. Add your steak and brown it. Remove from pan set-aside and put kidney into the same pan.
  2. Brown kidney on both sides and put it in the same bowl with the browned steak. Add onions to the same pan sautee fro a minute then return your browned steak and kidney to the pan.
  3. When the onion and meat are mixed together well, add plain flour to the pan and mix. Add tomato and mix. Add carrots and mix.
  4. Pour beef stock into pan and stir. Bring to the boil then reduce heat and let simmer for 30 minutes.
  5. After 30 minutes remove your steak and kidney from the excess gravy and set-aside. Note you may also use the remaining gravy when serving the pie or any other dish. With your steak and kidney set-aside grease your pie dish and set aside. Sprinkle some flour on your board and get your rolling pin ready.
  6. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius ( 360 F, gas mark 6) bake. Lay your pastry onto your floured board and cut in half. Roll it into a ball using your hands. Take your rolling pin and flatten it.  Try to achieve a circular shape. Put your rolling pin at the edge of your rolled out pastry and fold it onto your rolling pin.
  7. Take set-aside greased pie dish, lay your folded pastry over the pie dish using your rolling pin. Press the pastry down gently at the base of your pie dish. Add your set-aside steak and kidney. Take the other half of your pastry also roll it into a circular shape and fold it over your pie dish to cover the steak and kidney filling.
  8. After completely covering the filling, trim off excess pastry at the edges. Use the back of your fork to imprint a design around the edges of your pie. Make incisions at the center of your pie. If you wish you may add more decorative designs to your pie, in this case i put leaves made from pastry.
  9. Brush your pie with the beaten egg and put in the oven and bake for 50 minutes.
Also see  Vegetable Pastry Cups

Pictorial Detailed Instructions


Step 1
Heat oil in pan (a). Add your steak and brown it (b). Remove from pan set-aside (c) and put kidney into the same pan (d).


Step 2
Brown kidney on both sides (a) and put it in the same bowl with the browned steak (b). Add onions to the same pan sautee for a minute (c) then return your browned steak and kidney to the pan (d).


Step 3
When the onion and meat are mixed together well (a), add plain flour to the pan and mix (d). Add tomato and mix (c). Add carrots and mix (d).


Step 4
Pour beef stock into pan (a) and stir (b). If your gravy is too thick add a little bit more water (c) until is your preferred consistency. Bring to the boil then reduce heat and let simmer for 30 minutes (d). Follow this link to learn how to prepare your beef stock.


Step 5
After 30 minutes remove your steak and kidney from the excess gravy (a) and set-aside (b). Note you may also use the remaining gravy when serving the pie or any other dish. With your steak and kidney set-aside (b) grease your pie dish and set aside (c). Sprinkle some flour on your board (d) and get your rolling pin ready.


Step 6
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius ( 360 F, gas mark 6) bake. Lay your pastry onto your floured board and cut in half (a). Roll it into a ball using your hands (c). Take your rolling pin and flatten it (c). Try to achieve a circular shape (c). Put your rolling pin at the edge of your rolled out pastry and fold it onto your rolling pin (d).


Step 7
Take set-aside greased pie dish, lay your folded pastry over the pie dish using your rolling pin (a). Press the pastry down gently at the base of your pie dish (b). Add your set-aside steak and kidney (c). Take the other half of your pastry also roll it into a circular shape and fold it over your pie dish to cover the steak and kidney filling (d).


Step 8
After completely covering the filling (a), trim off excess pastry at the edges (b). Use the back of your fork to imprint a design around the edges of your pie (c). Make incisions at the center of your pie (c). If you wish you may add more decorative designs to your pie, in this case I put leaves made from pastry (d).


Step 9
Brush your pie with the beaten egg (a) and put in the oven and bake for 50 minutes (b). Your pie is ready after 50 minutes (c) and can be served (d).


Enjoy your pie!
Enjoy your pie!

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