Home » (sponsored) Pilchards on Crackers

(sponsored) Pilchards on Crackers

makes 10 Servings ~ 10 min
  • 1 x 125 g Royal Ocean Pilchards in tomato sauce
  • 1 x 125 g Royal Ocean Pilchards in chilli sauce
  • 200 g cream crackers
  • 3 tbsp yellow pepper, finely chopped
  • 2 spring onions, chopped
  • 1/2 medium tomato, finely chopped

If you’re into entertaining guests at your place then these little treats will be perfect as appertizers. They super simple to make, take the most minimum of time to prepare (but look like you were at it for a while!) and the taste is lip-smacking. If you’re not so much into entertaining, you could still try these out as a snack in between your meals. You’ll enjoy them just the same. This time I did a combo of Royal Ocean Pilchards in tomato sauce and in chilli sauce. It was awesome! You should try it too ;). Let’s get right to it.


  • 2 bowls
  • Chopping board
  • Sharp knife
  • Tablespoon



  1. Get your ingredients together. These include; 1 x 125 g Royal Ocean Pilchards in tomato sauce
    1 x 125 g Royal Ocean Pilchards in chilli sauce
    200 g cream crackers
    3 tbsp yellow pepper, finely chopped
    2 spring onions, chopped
    1/2 medium tomato, finely chopped.
  2. Pour the pilchards into a bowl. Separate the pilchards from the sauce and put them in another bowl.
  3. Gently break the pilchards into medium sized chunks using a tablespoon.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients, reserving 1 tbsp of the chopped yellow pepper for the topping. Mix gently then spoon the mixture onto the crackers.
  5. Garnish each cracker with the reserved chopped yellow pepper and the cut ends of spring onions or fresh chives.
Also see  Chocolate coated strawberries (delicious)

NB- In layman’s terms; Chives are herbs that are part of the onion family. They look like grass or the tip ends of spring onions.
