Home » Pork Belly Strips and Veggies
Zimbokitchen Pork Belly and Veggies Dish

Pork Belly Strips and Veggies

4-5 Servings ~ 20-25 minutes
  • 600 g pork belly, cut into strips
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 large tomato, chopped
  • 1 tsp garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 bunch leafy greens of your preference. chopped
  • 2 tbsp oil

What in the world would you do with really good pork belly apart from grilling, braaing or frying it? Here is something a little different but delicious all the same.

In this recipe I set out to bring in everyday green veggies – collard greens, rape or tsunga into the mix of things only that this time around not as an aside. Not only will this approach mimic the popular haifiridzi dish (a.k.a beef and veggie mix) but the veggies will work to beef up (pun intended) your pork helping it to go further (especially in lockdown times like these were you never know when you will be out at the supermarket next). Above all this is just a yum-yum dish, that’s for sure.

I will mention again that any leafy greens of your preference ranging from rape, covo, spinach or tsunga (mustard greens) will do in this recipe. Don’t let that bog you down.

Also see  Flavourful Garlic & Parsley Kariba Bream

You will notice I have soy sauce on the list of ingredients. Feel free to replace it with Worcestershire sauce if you have some or prefer that. Tomato sauce may be used in place of the tomato paste, it will work just fine. This is big for me and I suspect for many others also; take care not to overcook your leafy greens as they may end up turning brown and cause your dish to not look appetizing! An appetizing appeal is definitely part of the end game in this recipe so don’t overlook that.

So what will you serve this with? I think Sadza is calling. You could pull it off with rice if you must, this is really a Sadza dish though. But also bread will do. Enjoy it! If you are pork person, I also suggest this scrumptious collection of Recipes with Pork Chops.


  1. Get your ingredients together. Heat oil in pan. Add the pork belly strips, salt and garlic. Fry until beginning to brown. Add sugar and fry for a further 2 minutes.
  2.  Add onion and fry until they are translucent. Add tomatoes, tomato paste and soy sauce. Allow to cook for about 3- 5 minutes, stirring regularly.
  3.  Add the chopped leafy greens. Cook for a further 5 minutes or until the greens are just cooked (avoiding over cooking them). Taste for seasoning and adjust accordingly. Enjoy!
Also see  Grilled Orange & Marmalade Pork Belly

Zimbokitchen Pork Belly and Veggies Dish