Home » Pearlenta High Fibre Sadza with a touch of margarine

Pearlenta High Fibre Sadza with a touch of margarine

3-4 Servings ~ 25 - 30 min
  • 3 1/2 cups Pearlenta High Fibre Meal with Maize Bran
  • Cold water to make a paste
  • 750 ml boiling water
  • 1 tbsp margarine/butter

Sadza is one of our staple dishes here in Zimbabwe. We’ve had it in pretty much the same way since time immemorial. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and there’s also absolutely nothing wrong with tweaking or modifying the way we do it either such as I’ve done here. I’ve using the new Pearlenta High Fibre maize meal with maize bran to prepare this sadza. It was delicious, not forgetting the added fibre that your body will be gaining. Go for it and let me know how it fairs in your kitchen.

What you’ll need

  • Medium sized pot
  • Wooden spoon
  • Tablespoon


Do this

  1. With your ingredients ready; 3 1/2 cups Pearlenta High Fibre Meal with Maize Bran
    Cold water to make a paste
    750 ml boiling water
    1 tbsp margarine/butter
  2. Put 1 1/2 cups mealie-meal in pot. Add enough cold water to make a paste. Put pot on stove and add boiling water whilst stirring simultaneously.
  3. Keep stirring until rakukwata (it’s boiling). Cover pot, and let it boil for 15 minutes.
  4. After 15 minutes, add the margarine or butter if you prefer that.
  5. Add the remaining 1 1/2 cups of mealie-meal bit by bit and as we say it in our vernacular, mona sadza(mix). Be sure to do it well (ensuring there are not lumps).
  6. When it’s just about to reach the consistency you want, cover it rishinyire(loosely translated- let is simmer) for 5 minutes. Your sadza is ready. Serve with your preferred relish. Here I served with pork and veg mix.
Also see  Traditional Maguru stew (tripe)