Home » Mutakura (Boiled Corn and Peanuts)

Mutakura (Boiled Corn and Peanuts)

4-5 Servings ~ 80-90 min
  • 1 cup chibage chakafushwa (boiled then dried corn/maize)
  • 1 cup nzungu (groundnuts)
  • 1 tsp salt

Mutakura is one of the many snacks Zimbabweans enjoy to eat. It’s been a while since I did Mutakura on this blog.  There are different versions of mutakura, some that have nyemba (cow peas) nyimo (black-eyed peas), nuts and corn. These ingredients can be played around with to come up with the mix you like. My personal favourite is this one right here which just has corn and nuts. I like my nuts to be a bit crunchy so if you like yours done all the way and more tender you’re free to increase the cooking time. Mutakura is also usually mushy but I like mine more on the dry-ish side! If you want it mushy, add more water as you go until it reaches that stage. Okay, let’s get to it. Be warned: Mutakura is super filling!!

Resources/Equipment You Will Need

  • Good sized pot
  • Teacup

Quick Instructions

  1. Get your corn/maize (I cup) and nuts (1 cup) ready.
  2. Put your corn in the pot and add water and salt (1 tsp). (We’re cooking the corn first because it takes longer than the nuts to cook.)
  3. Close the pot and bring to the boil for about 40- 45 min.
  4. Add your nuts, more water and close the pot. Boil for another 40 -45 min or until you reach your preferred nuts texture.
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Get your ingredients together
Get your corn and nuts ready.
Step 2
Put your corn in the pot and add water and salt. (We’re cooking the corn first because it takes longer than the nuts to cook.)
Step 3
Close the pot and bring to the boil for about 40-45 min.
Step 4
Add your nuts, more water and close the pot. Boil for another 40 -45 min or until you reach your preferred nuts texture.
Be sure to sit out on the grass and enjoy with a glass of water...
Be sure to sit out on the grass and enjoy with a glass of water…

That’s all there is to it! Let me know in the comments below how you find it when you try it out.