Home » How to prepare Garlic and Herb Baguette (Bread)
Garlic and Herb Bread!

How to prepare Garlic and Herb Baguette (Bread)

4 Servings ~ 10 minutes
  • 1 French stick (Baguette)
  • 1 Clove garlic
  • 4 tsp dried mixed herbs
  • 4 tbsp pure vegetable oil
  • Margarine or butter (optional)

This is a pretty simple yet tasty variation for bread and even toast. If you cannot find French sticks even hamburger rolls cut into half or plain bread will work still. You can check for the stick at the bakery section of your local supermarket, I got this at one of the TM Supermarkets even though TM doesn’t always have this in stock.

As with most things in life, it is the little things that make the difference so though this French stick was made already adding a bit if flavor to it makes all the difference. I hope you will enjoy it as much as my family and I did.

Quick Instructions

Please note that you need to serve this right-away after preparing or if you want to serve it later wrap the slices in a tea towel to prevent them from hardening. Also if you are preparing it for the lunchbox or a pick-nick you can wrap the slices in foil paper instead.

  1. Get your French stick ready, Cut slices at an angle. Lay the slices evenly spaced out in your baking sheet or oven tray. Take your garlic clove peel and cut the tip off. Rub the exposed end of the garlic clove onto each slice of your French stick/bread.
  2. Spoon or drizzle the pure vegetable oil onto each slice of bread evenly. Add your mixed herbs by sprinkling them on top of each slice. Put tray into the oven and set it to 180 degrees grill (360 F, gas mark 6). After 10 minutes your tray from the oven.
  3. Whilst the bread is still hot, cut off another piece of the garlic clove and rub the freshly cut side onto each herbal side of the bread slice again.  If you wish you may spread your margarine or butter onto each slice (again whilst it’s still hot)
  4. Your garlic and herb bread is ready. You may serve with any meat dish you wish or eat it as it is.
Also see  How to make yellow Rice (with currants)

Pictorial Detailed Instructions

Step 1
Get your French stick ready (a), Cut slices at an angle (b). Lay the slices evenly spaced out in your baking sheet or oven tray (c). Take your garlic clove, peel and cut the tip off. Rub the exposed end of the garlic clove onto each slice of your French stick/bread (d).


Step 2
Spoon or drizzle the pure vegetable oil onto each slice of bread evenly (a). Add your mixed herbs by sprinkling them on top of each slice(c). Put tray into the oven for 10 minutes (c) and set it to 180 degrees grill (360 F, gas mark 6). After 10 minutes your tray from the oven (d).


Step 3
Whilst the bread is still hot, cut off another piece of the garlic clove and rub the freshly cut side onto each herbal side of the bread slice again (a).  If you wish you may spread your margarine or butter onto each slice (again whilst it’s still hot) (c).


Step 4
Your garlic and herb bread is ready. You may serve with any meat dish you wish or eat it as it is.



This is just a divine recipe that will add some kick to bread as we know it. I prepared this for the family to go along with a dish which had mince. It was just so nice I got fantastic feedback. It encouraged me to keep doing more variations of common foods to make them better and more inviting. This is also why I can never stop asking for your company on my regular newsletter – ZimboKitchen Today. I have many variations to come. Please if you haven’t done so yet, sign-up here and be sure to activate your subscription when I send you an activation email. If you have a minute please also drop me a comment below about this recipe. Tuck!