- 300g self-raising flour
- 300g natural/ Greek yoghurt
Most of us Zimbabweans enjoy eating pizza. Although it’s definitely not in our Zimbabwean cuisine, we’ve embraced it and don’t mind having some. Now this here quick and easy method to make pizza dough I got from a lovely lady from an online women’s food group. I thought I’d give it a go and see how it turns out and it was pretty easy. If you want the traditional way of making pizza dough click here. The general rule of thumb is equal parts flour to equal part yoghurt. So it’s up to you what measurements you’d like to put. The measurements I used here produced one heavy based medium pizza and one thin crusted small pizza.
Quick Instructions
- Measure your flour (300g self-raising flour) and natural yoghurt (300g natural/ Greek yoghurt). Sift flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle and pour the yoghurt.
- Mix until well combined and a sticky dough forms. Transform dough onto a lightly floured board and knead for a good 10 minutes, until dough is nice and smooth. (You may add bits of flour along the way if dough is sticking to hands during the kneading process) And you’re done!!
Pictorial Detailed Instructions

Your pizza dough is ready to make any pizza you wish! Be it Hawaiian, Regina, Four Seasons, you name it! Try it out yourself, I’d love to hear how it went with you.Sign-up here for my mailing list so you get new recipe sin your inbox.