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Zimbokitchen how to make mashed potatoes

How to make Mashed Potatoes

4-5 Servings ~ 30-35 minutes
  • 8 large potatoes
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 cup fresh milk
  • 1 tbsp margarine

How do you make mashed potatoes? How do you make it really good with an inviting velvety texture that everyone loves and will make you popular? Follow the steps in this anyone-can-do tutorial and you will have yourself great looking and tasting mashed potato dish.

Potatoes are different. Few people are not aware that potatoes come in varieties. For this reason, whichever potato variety you get to use in this recipe just ensure that you give them a good boil.

This is important if you want the final product to have no lumps in it and achieve as promised by the recipe.

Lumps in mashed potatoes are a sign the potatoes used to make the mash was not adequately cooked or boiled. I say although the mashing bit itself when done improperly could leave lumps, the number one culprit is under-cooked potatoes.

You will notice I have some pepper in this recipe. Although optional every single time, I tend to use pepper in a good number of my dishes.

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Pepper brings what I would call some form of wholeness to a dish. Have you ever tasted a dish when cooking and you find the salt is fine but something is just missing to take the dish “there”? I resolve that question using pepper. In most cases, I find pepper ties up my dishes to complete them. This also explains why salt and pepper are common on restaurant tables…pepper does what salt alone can’t do.

What about the margarine? So the margarine in this recipe adds the velvety touch or texture and of course the flavour.

So this is comfort food we are making here. You have yourself something heart-warming and certainly filling. Serve with a nice stew which can be mince, chicken, pork, or beef, and mixed vegetables or vegetables of your choice. You could also serve it with gravy and some roast meat. If you enjoy potatoes, you will also probably enjoy well-prepared sweet potatoes. I suggest these scrumptious sweet potato recipes.

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  1. Get your ingredients together. Peel and cut potatoes into cubes. Add water, cover and bring to the boil until potatoes are cooked.
  2. Use a fork to check if potatoes are done. They should be breaking up easily. If any, drain excess water and leave just a little, return pot to stove and reduce heat. Add milk and begin mashing the potatoes.
  3. Add margarine and mash. Add salt and pepper and mash. Taste for seasoning and adjust accordingly. Serve with mince or whatever tickles your fancy!

Recipe in pictorial steps…

cubed potatoe sfor mashing
Peel and cut potatoes into cubes. Add water, cover and bring to the boil until potatoes are cooked.
start mashing potatoes
Use a fork to check if potatoes are done. They should be breaking up easily. If any, drain excess water and leave just a little, return pot to stove and reduce heat. Add milk and begin mashing the potatoes.
Add margarine and mash. Add salt and pepper and mash. Taste for seasoning and adjust accordingly. Serve with mince or whatever tickles your fancy!