Home » How to make Ham and Cheese Omelet (in 3 Minutes)

How to make Ham and Cheese Omelet (in 3 Minutes)

1 Servings ~ 3-5 minutes
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 slices gammon/picnic ham
  • 50 - 80g grated cheddar/gouda cheese
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp pure vegetable oil

When I was growing up, omelets were one of the first things I learned to cook and I thoroughly enjoyed making them! Though there are indeed simple, there needs to be a balance in getting your oil at the right temperature and folding it before it “sets”. If your oil is too hot, the egg will cook quickly before you can put your filling and fold it. If the oil is not hot enough, the egg will absorb more fat and will take longer to “set”. But once you get the hang of it you can easily flip a lot of omelets at once in a row!

Resources/Equipment You Will Need

  • Frying pan
  • Spatula (Egg Lifter)
  • Fork
  • Small bowl
  • Grater
  • Knife
  • Chopping board
  • Teaspoon

Quick Instructions

  1. Grate your cheese (50-80g cheddar/gouda cheese), cut the ham (1-2 slices gammon/picnic)  and beat your egg (1 large egg). Season the egg with 1/4 teaspoon salt.
  2. Heat oil (2 tbsp pure vegetable oil) in pan. Add the beaten egg and immediately swirl your pan around so the egg can spread and fill the base of the pan. When it’s spread over the base of your pan, add the grated cheese to the lower half of the egg.
  3. Add the ham and more cheese if you wish to the same lower half of the egg. Using the spatula, immediately fold the omelet over the ham and cheese, making a sort of “semi-circle”.
  4. Your omelet is ready. Enjoy!
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Pictorial Detailed Instructions

Grate your cheese, cut the ham and beat your egg. Season the egg with 1/4 teaspoon salt.


Heat oil in pan. Add the beaten egg and immediately swirl your pan around so the egg can spread and fill the base of the pan. When it’s spread over the base of your pan, add the grated cheese to the lower half of the egg.


Add the ham and more cheese if you wish to the same lower half of the egg. Using the spatula, immediately fold the omelet over the ham and cheese, making a sort of “semi-circle”.


Your omelet is ready. Enjoy!


Great Breakfast!
Great Breakfast! Notice the Cheese melted in the Ham for a yummy taste.

Pretty easy, tasty and filling too! You can put any filling you wish from shredded chicken, mushroom and onions, tomato and cheese, etc, it’s really up to you what you wish! Go ahead and give it a go if you haven’t done so already! Never miss new recipes. get email alerts by signing-up here.