Home » How to make butter cream icing

How to make butter cream icing

~ 15 minutes
  • 100g margarine/butter
  • 300g icing sugar
  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence
  • Half cup fresh cream
  • Half cup fresh milk

Of all the cake frosting, butter cream is one of the easiest to do. Not forgetting fresh cream frosting or icing which I would say is at the top of my list of easy cake frosting. You can use butter cream icing not only on cakes but on muffins, cup cakes, cream buns, doughnuts, and many more. The trick is not really in the quantity but in the technique. I use a very simple method which is easy to follow and tastes absolutely great. It’s not too sweet but rich and has full body. Give it a try and let me know how it goes with you.

Quick Instructions

Take you margarine or butter out of the refrigerator about 15-20min before you start. This is because you need it to be at room temperature and soft to the touch. Also make sure that the room you are working is not too hot otherwise it will affect your results. Mix half the milk and half the cream together in your ingredients. The cream will help give the fresh milk more body and volume.

  1. Put margarine (100g) in mixing bowl. Using electric hand mixer whip it until it is light in color.  Pour fresh cream (125ml) and milk (125ml) mixture into margarine and whisk. Mix until you can no-longer see the liquid and its well blended into the margarine.
  2. Add icing sugar (300g) bit-by-bit and mix until the 300g is finished. Add Vanilla essence (1 tsp) and mix for 1 minute.
  3. Your butter cream icing is ready!
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Pictorial Detailed Instructions

Step 1
Put margarine in mixing bowl (a). Using electric hand mixer whip it (b) until it is light in color. Pour fresh cream and milk mixture into margarine (c) and whisk (d). Mix until you can no-longer see the liquid and its well blended into the margarine. If you do not have an electric hand mixer the good old method of manually mixing using a wooden spoon will work just the same. Albeit with more effort!


Step 2 - Butter cream icing
Add icing sugar bit-by-bit (a) and mix (b) until the 300g is finished. Add Vanilla essence (c) and mix (d) for 1 minute. Give a quick taste when all the icing sugar is finished and see if it’s as sweet as you would have it. If not, you are free to add more. You can also put any other essence that you wish other than Vanilla.
Your butter cream icing is ready!
Your butter cream icing is ready!

That’s it! Your butter cream icing is ready for application. As I have already said you can use it on cakes, muffins and the like. See how I have done it on these; Vanilla cake. Leave me a comment below on how it goes in your kitchen. Thanks!