Home » How to make boiled Mbambaira, Mabura (Sweet Potato)

How to make boiled Mbambaira, Mabura (Sweet Potato)

2-3 Servings ~ 45min- 1 hr
  • Sweet potatoes
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Water

Mbambaira sweet potatoes are part of our traditional snacks, so to speak. They are usually boiled as we are doing them today or baked in the oven which is clearly the preserve of the urbanites. They are enjoyed with tea hobvu (rich tea with milk) or just good old water. I personally also enjoy sweet potato in various other recipes such as sweet potato fries, sweet potato pie and mushed sweet potato amongst many others. This recipe of boiled sweet potato is pretty straight forward.

Resources/Equipment You Will Need

  • Good sized pot

Quick Instructions

  1. Scrub the sweet potato under running water
  2. Put the sweet potato in pot and add enough water to almost cover them
  3. Add salt (1tsp)
  4. Close pot and boil until they can easily be pierced with a fork or tooth pick
  5. Your sweet potato is done

Pictorial Detailed Instructions

Scrub your sweet potato under running water to remove soil/mud. You can also buy them already clean from good supermarkets. I bought these at  Food Lovers Market, Greendale (Hre)
Put the sweet potato in pot and add enough water to almost cover them
Add salt to taste, some my like with no salt added that’s still fine
Close pot and boil until they can easily be pierced with a fork or tooth pick
Your sweet potato is done
Serve as a snack if you wish..
Serve as a snack if you wish..

Enjoy these with your favorite beverage or even on their own if you wish. They are best eaten whilst still warm even though they still taste good when cold. It’s a matter of preference.

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