Home » Grilled Cheese, Tomato and Ham sandwich

Grilled Cheese, Tomato and Ham sandwich

1 Servings ~ 2 min
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 tomato ring
  • 1 slice ham
  • 1 slice cheddar cheese
  • Salt and Black pepper to taste
  • Butter/Margarine to spread
  • 1 tsp sugar

This is one of my daughters’ favourite sandwiches. They especially love it with vegetable filling, e.g, cucumber, tomato, onion and lettuce! I love how I don’t have to struggle with them to eat their vegetables, they love them already! I guess maybe because since they were tiny tots vegetables were and still are a great part of their meals. Anyway, back to the sandwich….

Resources/Equipment You Will Need

  • Griddle / Non-stick pan
  • Chopping board
  • Sharp knife
  • Table knife
  • Spatula (Egg lifter)

Quick Instructions

  1. Get your ingredients ready. These include; 2 slices of bread; 1 tomato ring; 1 slice ham; 1 slice cheddar cheese; Salt and Black pepper to taste; Butter/Margarine to spread and 1 tsp sugar
  2. Butter your bread slices. With the buttered side down, put your preferred filling, in this case I put ham, cheddar cheese, a tomato ring seasoned with salt and black pepper. Cover your sandwich with the other buttered side facing up. Sprinkle a bit of sugar.
  3. Preheat your griddle pan then add your sandwich  when the pan is hot with the sugared side up. Gently and slightly press the sandwich down using your spatula for that lovely griddled effect. “Grill/Toast”  each side until a beautiful golden brown colour is achieved. Enjoy your sandwich!
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Pictorial Detailed Instructions

Get your ingredients ready.
Butter your bread slices. With the buttered side down, put your preferred filling, in this case I put ham, cheddar cheese, a tomato ring seasoned with salt and black pepper. Cover your sandwich with the other buttered side facing up. Sprinkle a bit of sugar
Preheat your griddle pan then add your sandwich  when the pan is hot with the sugared side up. Gently and slightly press the sandwich down using your spatula for that lovely griddled effect. “Grill/Toast”  each side until a beautiful golden brown colour is achieved. Enjoy your sandwich!
Great for work or school...
Great for work or school…

You can put any filling you like really; fried egg and tomato, tomato and cucumber, cheese and tomato, the list goes on. If you don’t have a griddle pan you could still use your non-stick pan.