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Zimbokitchen Tsine

Tsine (dried Blackjack) with lean mince & carrots

This vegetable is known for its high iron content and nutritious benefits. In fact, it is said to have more iron than spinach! This is one of the health benefits that this vegetable is associated with. It’s very easy to make and doesn’t require a lot of skill at all. Tsine (Blackjack), also known as Ucucube in […]

Zimbokitchen Madhumbe

Easy, fried Madhumbe (yams)

Madhumbe (yams) are something I last ate in my childhood days! Maybe I could have had some in once or so in my adulthood but the point here is that it had been a while since I had had some. I was shopping in one of the supermarkets the other […]


Okra plus 7 mixed roast veggies

I love roasted vegetables. I love how simple and hassle-free it is to prepare them and I love how the vegetables’ natural sweet and savory taste comes through. I find that the way peppers or butternuts or pumpkins even taste after being roasted is more prominent compared to when you […]


Nyimo (Black Eyed Peas) Patties

I have never been a fan of nyimo since I was wee high!! But after deciding to give them a bit of a kick, I’ll proudly say I’m a nyimo-lover!! IF they are made in this way or any other way, as long as they’re not plain! My husband on […]


Roasted Seasoned Derere, Idelele (Okra)

This was another experiment in the kitchen and I’m glad to say it turned out fantastic. It was tasty my daughters wanted more and more! At least this is one of the two ways where they’ll eat okra. They couldn’t quite stomach our traditional version of preparing derere! The other […]


Fried Mushroom and Tomato with Spring onions

Mushrooms are so easy to prepare. You can add them to your main dishes or have them as a side dish, accompanying your main meal. This here is a side dish. You can have it with just about anything, even sadza! It also doesn’t take much time to prepare so […]


Creamy Chunky Mushroom Sauce

Mushrooms are a great, quick cooking vegetable. I especially love this sauce. It’s absolutely delicious. You can have it as an accompaniment with almost any dish. It goes down really well topped on steak and maybe serve with some fries or mashed potato or even roast potatoes. You’ll be enjoying […]


Garlic and Vinegar salad dressing

This salad dressing is guaranteed to give your salad a delicious touch to it. The great thing is that it can be prepared ahead of time and refrigerated for up to 4 days. You will need to keep it in a closed bottle in the fridge. There’s really nothing to […]

Traditional Okra (Derere)

Derere (Okra) Recipe from Zimbabwe

I last ate  derere (okra) made in this Zimbabwean traditional manner way back when I was weee tall and haven’t had it since (my kiddie-taste buds didn’t quite fancy it) 😀 !  However, I do know of some people who love it made in this way but just couldn’t figure […]

Butternut and Carrot bake

Butternut and Carrot bake (vegan)

This was another one of those moments in the kitchen where I had something on my mind but wasn’t too sure how it was going to turn out, flavour-wise. But I’m glad that this worked out. Everything just complimented each other and the family, especially the kids loved it.  You […]

Vegetarian stir fry

Quick ‘n Easy vegetable stir-fry (Vegan)

Stir-fries are a great way of getting things done without adding a lot of oil. I’m personally not a fan of greasy food so me and stir-fries are best buddies 🙂 This vegetable stir-fry will work well as an accompaniment to any of your favourite dishes. It also can be […]