I hadn’t made these in a very long time, in fact I think I last made them when I was in form 1 or 2 during my food and nutrition classes, LOL. My mom also used to make these for us every now and then. It’s a quick fix for […]

I hadn’t made these in a very long time, in fact I think I last made them when I was in form 1 or 2 during my food and nutrition classes, LOL. My mom also used to make these for us every now and then. It’s a quick fix for […]
This has to be my favorite version of mutakura. Am not really a fan of nyimo (round-nuts) and nyemba (cow-peas) which are usually the ingredients for the other mutakura versions. This is a pretty straight forward recipe since your chibage (maize corn) has already been pre-cooked you put this in […]
I used to enjoy making this popcorn a lot when I was 13 years old and my siblings loved it too. In fact my older sister always used to make requests time and again for me to make this caramel popcorn. It’s not rocket science or anything fancy but just a twist […]
I rarely do any recipe posts here on ZimboKitchen.com preferring rather to work in the background managing the site’s technology and business affairs. Well today am coming out of the woodwork to share with you one of my favorite snack recipe – nzungu dzaka kangwa – which is essentially roasted […]