After a long time of wanting to give it a try, this is my own version of Zimbabwe Gango recipe made at home. Hoping you will enjoy it as much as I did. Check out the recipe notes on how to omit or replace any meats in this recipe.

After a long time of wanting to give it a try, this is my own version of Zimbabwe Gango recipe made at home. Hoping you will enjoy it as much as I did. Check out the recipe notes on how to omit or replace any meats in this recipe.
Here is a super simple idea for breakfast. If you wish to have your eggs differently, what you have in this recipe is a quick and easy breakfast variation. Furthermore, this is a protein rich dish thanks to the combination of eggs and corned meat. You are going to feel […]
While many of us may know how to prepare regular white rice, I have had a number of requests for a post on how to cook plain mupunga (traditional brown rice). So here it is! It is very similar to how you normally prepare your rice, only for this one […]
This is one of Zim’s favourites. A lot of us grew up with this deal. Very tasty and comes in many variations too. View Video Here So this is one super simple variation that I usually do in my kitchen. Depending on the number you are making this for, break […]
Bread crumbs are an essential ingredient to have in the kitchen for anyone who’s serious about cooking! Invariably, you would be called upon to use bread crumbs in the kitchen for this among other things:- Coating (think of chicken, fish etc), Soup thickening Stews thickening Stuffing and more… As a […]
Stock is liquid gold in cooking! It adds depth of flavour to your dishes. In my opinion, which guides my approach, homemade stock is by far much better than shop bought stock cubes. This is by no means to say stock cubes aren’t any good; but hey homemade stock is […]
Have you ever wondered how to cook chicken stew in a very simple way and yet the outcome will be delicious? This here is just the recipe! It’ll also be perfect when you’re exhausted and still need to put some food on the table! There are many ways to scrumptiously […]
So I was at the butchery the other day and they had game meat in stock, mhofu (eland) to be specific. I jumped on it and decided to whip up this quick fix. It was quite tasty, it was enjoyed all round. What this really means is next time you […]
Cooking pasta is pretty much the same, well, more or less. It’s important not to overcook it as it may become mashy and sticks together which will not really be pleasant. You want to have your pasta firm but cooked. Here’s a general way of preparing your plain penne pasta. […]
Growing up, my mum made tsine (blackjack leaves) for my siblings and I. Being kids, we used to despise it! Despite her telling us how healthy it is. I guess the fact that we would see her picking it from the garden or around the yard, our minds already registered […]
Here’s a quick treat to prepare that you can enjoy with your cuppa or as a dessert with ice-cream/custard. It’s pretty easy to make and absolutely tasty! Equipment Mixing bowl Sieve Measuring cups Measuring spoons Measuring jug Loaf tin Wooden spoon Do this Get your ingredients together. These include; 190 […]
There are so many ways to make gravy. Here’s one of the simplest ways I like to prepare mine. It’s more or less in the same manner as preparing white sauce, only that this time we’ll be using chicken or beef stock. Whichever you’ll be having available. I’ll share the […]